

Bangkok Internship #13

Day 12
 Friday has come. I felt this week passed so fast. Partly because this Monday was a holiday. Others, I’ve already gotten used to working. Actually, I had been spending really lazy day in Japan, so I was afraid that I couldn’t hold on. I’m so relieved I could have been working well so far.
 Today, so sleepy day. Sleepy, ง่วงนอน, 眠い, 困, soñoliento…. However, I managed to endure their threat and finished office hour.
  Well, what I did today is not so different from yesterday but I overcame one thing. It is “calling”.
 Recalling last week, I didn’t handle calling task well so I decided if next chance came, I dealt with it well. 
 Today, that time came. A manager assigned me calling to certain bank. To tell the truth, I was nervous about that but I prepared  and organized the purpose for calling. 
 This time, recipient is a Thai, so I spoke to him slowly and carefully. Thanks to this, I succeeded to get necessary information without any trouble. I felt a little confident and would like to call just in English.
 Now I’m writing this on duty (cause I finished what I should do!) and after that, our boss will take me to high-class restaurant. I’m looking forward that and weekends
 Have a nice holiday. See you.
