


2019年海外記 #6 〜試練のフィリピン・集大成カンボジア編〜

11月末。サークルの同回3人でフィリピンに旅行の予定をたてた。 コムラの「普通の旅がしてぇ」との言葉に違わず、計画段階ではなんの変哲もない通常の旅だった。 ...だが、普段は歓迎している「アイツ」が来ることがわかって状況は一変した。 こ い つ だ …

2019年海外記 #5 〜タイ北部・ラオス望郷の旅〜

チェンマイ駅。国鉄の駅ってなんか良いよね。 10月末、バンコクの法律事務所でインターンシップを終えた私はそのまま旅に出た。 タイ・チェンマイ、ラオス・ヴィエンチャン。 東南アジア大陸部の中でもより内陸に位置するこの2つの都市。 古くは首都として…

2019年海外記 #4 一般大学生マレーシア編

私の夏休みのスケジュールを紹介したい。 ・8/6:関空⇨バンコク・ドンムアン ・8/8:バンコク・ドンムアン⇨イスタンブール ・8/11:イスタンブール ⇨ルクセンブルグ ・8/12:ルクセンブルグ⇨パリ ・8/15:パリ⇨ブリュッセル ・8/18:ブリュッセル⇨アムステル…

2019年海外記 #3 〜トルコ・フランス・ベネルクス三国編〜

私のサークルには、旅好きが多い気がする。 同回生A・B・C:「俺たちバルト三国行ったぜ」 同回生D:「俺はコーカサス三国行ったぜ」 私:「じゃあ俺はベネルクス三国行くわ」 動機はこんな感じ。ついでにトルコとフランスにも行く事にした。 1.クレイジート…

2019年海外記 #2 〜インド精進・タイ慰安旅〜

5月上旬、京都、鴨川。 就職活動も一区切りついた文系大学生は、刺激に飢えていた。 デルタでサークル同回3人の飲み会。誰かがこう呟く。 「今からルーレット作って出た国にいくやつしようぜ。」 1人目。ヤマダとかいうやつ。 自分「旅慣れしてないし安パ…

2019年海外記 #1 〜ベトナム逃避行〜

今年2019年の海外経験をここに記しておきたい。この記事は自分自身がそこで何を感じたかを記したものなので、もしハウツーを知りたい方がいたら直接聞いていただけるといいと思う。 ~~~~~ 2019年4月中旬。 私は思わず旅に出た。 度重なる就活のストレスに耐…

Shocked...! (Internship extra edition#23)

Hello, How are you today? Now I'm staying in Vientiane. Vientiane is the capital of Laos and people often say "the capital that doesn't anything to see and go." I knew it before getting to Laos and now I enjoy staying than I expected. ...b…

チェンマイが最高すぎる話(Internship extra edition #22)

チェンマイ・ワロロット市場 3週間のインターンが終わり、バンコクもそこそこにチェンマイへ旅に出た。 大都会バンコクの喧騒から離れてのんびり過ごそうと考えていたのだが、想像を超える落ち着きとその雰囲気の良さに虜になったのでその良さを抜粋して紹…

Internship? (extra edition) #21

Internship finished, I was back to a man as a traveler. I wondered this diary continued or not, and I decided to continue it as “extra edition”. It may not keep positing everyday, but I want to write at my own pace. (And actually, I think …

Bangkok Internship #20

Day 19 I’m regretting that I couldn’t write this diary by yesterday, but it cannot be helped because our boss took me to the exclusive restaurant... 555 Yesterday is the last day of my Internship, and the task assigned was really tough, ma…

Bangkok Internship #19

Day 18 Finally, the span of my internship is just two days left. Firstly I felt it was long term but now I realize '3 weeks’ are really short term so I’m a little regretting that I should have established more long term. ...and how about t…

Bangkok Internship #18

Day 17 Wednesday, usually blue day, but today is national holiday in Thai, so I was happy and yesterday I drunk too much. ...As a result, I was not good in shape in the morning, what is called “hangover”. Thus I woke up late and was late f…

Bangkok Internship #17

Day 16 Today, it was not busy day for me. That is because I completed what I should do yesterday. So I did my task at on my own paces, with thinking in my future, and I'll write about what I think today. Clearly speaking, I was thinking ab…

Bangkok Internship #16

Day 15 I’m certain that Today was the busiest day of ever days I spent. At first, I went to the civil court early in the morning. I planed to observe the proceeding. However, the time the court started working was late and other proceeding…

Bangkok Internship #15

Day 14 Today, early in the morning, I got up because of loud voice outside like shout. I couldn’t sleep well, and I’m not sure what it was. It was a little scary for me. well, let’s switch the main story. Today I had what I wanted to do. I…

Bangkok Internship #14

Day 13 Weekend has come! However, to tell the truth, I didn’t have any plan so I would rather work in order to kill time. (It’s a kind of Japanese spirits.) Anyway, I didn’t want to waste much money so I went to foodcourt at terminal 21. A…

Bangkok Internship #13

Day 12 Friday has come. I felt this week passed so fast. Partly because this Monday was a holiday. Others, I’ve already gotten used to working. Actually, I had been spending really lazy day in Japan, so I was afraid that I couldn’t hold on…

Bangkok Internship #12

Day 11 I was wide awake compare to last two days. Partly because I got much protein from dinner yesterday. (555) Today I assigned new task. It is “template”. I produced the document model which mentioned the requirements for startup in Tha…

Bangkok Internship #11

Day 10 Today is a calm day. That is because I didn’t have much work and quickly finished it. Now I’m writing this on office hours. …and now I just came back my room. It is relatively late, That is because my colleagues I introduced yesterd…

Bangkok Internship #10

Day 9 The 2nd week has started today, but I was less nervous than last week because I was already getting accustomed to workplace's circumstances. Today, our company employed a new Thai person. I greeted him and introduced myself (as if I’…

Bangkok Internship #9

Day8 くじら構文ってこれだっけ?(下線部) Today is Monday. Usually I get blue mood but since it is a holiday today, so I feel happy and could sleep late. In the morning, I started to read the Code of Civil Procedure in Thai. That is because …

Bangkok Internship #8

Day7 - How is “Japanese lifestyle in Bangkok" ? Today, I’m spending normal holiday. In the morning, I washed my clothes by myself. (Because it costs 40 bahts to use a laundry.) Then, I went to a supermarket to buy an insecticide. Now I’m i…

Bangkok Internship #7

Day6 Today, Saturday, the first weekend has come after I started working. To tell the truth, I’ve not had any plan to do, so I decided to go to MBK to kill time. I took BTS from Prom Phong to Siam. This line is so crowded anytime. I arrive…

Bangkok Internship #6

Day5 Today is Friday, I’ve waited anxiously for Friday, and today was the most hard but I realized “improving”. Why was it so hard today? Firstly, I stayed up late last night with colleagues. One of them invited me to board game cafe is ab…

Bangkok Internship #5

Day4 Today I earnestly translated the important documents. These are more difficult than normal sentences, because a lot of technical terms are included. I had to look up into the dictionary as soon as I run across unknown words. I think i…

Bangkok Internship #4

Day3 Today is Wednesday. The center of the week. It’s been a while since I long to come weekend. (555) I'm getting accustomed to working and today I was assigned to research as a new task in addition to translation. What kind of the resear…

Bangkok Internship #3

Day2 In the morning, I’ve not been assigned any task so I thought what I should do. Since I don’t have any license about my business, I cannot do too professional work. Then I came up with the idea that I would manage SNS and publicize wha…

Bangkok Internship #2

Day1 I started working from today. At first, I was a little nervous of communication. That is because, except from me, people in office could speak in Thai and it was difficult to join in conversation. However, in the evening, I talked a l…

Bangkok Internship #1

I decided to write a diary in English while Internship. Please feel free to indicate gramatical errors. ①The reason That is because when I improve my English skills, it is important to use English at any time. Considering what I used to st…


先日ヨーロッパを縦断している際、「西洋の労働観」と「東洋の労働観」に明確な違いを感じたのでちょっとまとめておく。 目次 1西洋における労働観 2東洋における労働観 3西洋と東洋の労働観、共通点と相違点 1西洋における労働観 ①古代ギリシャ ・労働…